NOISyS: Neuroadaptive Systems for Brain Restoration based on Virtual-Reality and
Brain-Computer Interfaces
The aim of NOISyS project (pronounced noisis, from Greek νόησις 'the procedure of information processing that leads to learning and understanding'), is to develop a novel and more inclusive rehabilitation system with the use of emerging technologies, in order to understand and overcome current limitations of motor imagery (MI) Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) training for rehabilitative applications. This will be achieved by identifying the neural correlates of motor action and skill acquisition during motor imagery through neuroimaging (EEG/fMRI), formulate machine-learning methods for increased accuracy of the BCI system, but also potentiate human training for skill acquisition and learning through the use of neuroadaptive Virtual Reality (VR).
More details can be found here.
Latest news
[02/2025] Award: Multi-professional award by the Portuguese Stroke Society, 19º CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DO AVC, Porto, Portugal.
[01/2025] Special Session Organization: AI-driven Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) with VR/AR: Current Innovations and Future Directions, IEEE AIxVR international conference.
[01/2025] New publication: Multimodal mapping of spatial attention for unilateral spatial neglect in VR: a proof of concept study using eye-tracking and mobile EEG, Virtual Reality.
[10/2024] New publications: Investigating the Synergistic Neuromodulation Effect of Bilateral rTMS and VR Brain-Computer Interfaces Training in Chronic Stroke Patients, J. Neural Eng.; Brain Imaging and Clinical Outcome of Embodied VR-BCI Training in Chronic Stroke Patients, TBCI;
[09/2024] Invited talk at the VR Summit 2024 @ Ruhr Bochum/Klaeslab, Bochum, Germany.
[09/2024] Workshop Organization: The role of proprioceptive feedback through embodied VR, robotics, and neuromodulation in restorative BCI’s, GrazBCI 2024 conference, Graz, Austria.
[08/2024] New publication: E. Niforatos et al., Democratizing EEG: Embedding Electroencephalography in a Head-Mounted Display for Ubiquitous Brain-Computer Interfacing, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction.
[07/2024] Conference Presentation: Our Master student Daniela Esteves presented her master's thesis work on "EEG biomarkers of VR embodiment in BCI training" at the Neuroergonomics Conference in Bordeaux (FR).
[06/2024] Conference Presentation: Our PhD student Madalena Valente presented at the WCVR24 conference in Amsterdam (NL) her work on "Stroke patient-specific Mu Event-Related Desynchronization in a VR-based BCI interventions"
[04/2024] Award: The "Dr. Santana Carlos" Award was received by our students Inês Oliveira & Miguel Russo [press] [press].
[04/2024] Hiring: Open call for RA position in BCIs, VR, AI.
[03/2024] Project milestone: Year 2.
[01/2024] New publication: K. Vagaja et al., Avatar embodiment prior to motor imagery training in VR does not affect the induced event-related desynchronization: a pilot study, Frontiers Virtual Reality.
[10/2023] New publication: D. Batista et al., Effect of head-mounted virtual reality and vibrotactile feedback in ERD during motor imagery Brain–computer interface training, Brain Computer Interfaces.
[10/2023] New publication: M. Fleury et al., Two is better? Combining EEG and fMRI for BCI and neurofeedback: a systematic review, Journal of Neural Engineering.
[10/2023] Invited talk + hackathon mentorship at the VR Summit 2023 @ Ruhr Bochum/Klaeslab, Bochum, Germany.
[06/2023] Our new editorial on Neurotechnologies and Brain-Computer Interaction for Neurorehabilitation is now out in Frontiers in Neuroergonomics.
[04/2023] Poster accepted for presentation at the 10th International BCI Meeting, June 6 – 9, 2023, Brussels, Belgium. A. Vourvopoulos, et al. Longitudinal Intervention of VR-based BCI Training: A Case Study of Chronic Stroke Patients.
[04/2023] Our publication on Signals was selected for a Journal Cover for March Issue.
[04/2023] New publication: A.Farabbi et al., Investigating the Impact of Visual Perspective in a Motor Imagery-based Brain-Robot Interaction: A Pilot Study with Healhty Participants. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics.
[03/2023] Hiring: Open call for RA/PhD position in BCIs, VR, AI, and Neuroimaging.
[03/2023] New publication: A.Vavoulis et al., A Review of Online Classification Performance in Motor Imagery-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces for Stroke Neurorehabilitation, Signals, 2023.
[03/2023] Special Issue: Advances in Principles, Methods and Applications of Brain-Computer Interaction at Sensors (IF: 3.847).
[03/2023] Project website launched.